Thursday, 18 August 2011

Lost without my Garmin :o(

So another week and another weekend of successful running…Garmin-less as its been sent off to the fixed/replaced!!
I completed the Park run this Saturday knocking 6 seconds off last weeks time and coming 10th overall (out of 94), 1st lady :o) (shame it wasn’t next week as it’s Woodbank parks’  2 year Park-run anniversary so may have got a prize!!). Plus I should point out I’d been out until 2am drinking cocktails the night before!!.....I know I said last week this probably wasn’t advisable, but I woke up early and thought oh sod it why not!!
Then on Sunday I had 14 miles on the schedule- this would be a 1st for me as up until then I had only completed 13.1 miles and that was while racing. So a bit daunting to say the least but I had a good running partner whom I met on ‘Jogging buddy’, he’s also working up to Chester Marathon so we took it in our stride together. Having said that, he’s a bit ahead of me and did 19miles in total, he ran to mine, did 14 with me then ran back….that’ll be me an a couple of weeks I hope! We kept it steady at 8:30 pace, this is sooooo much easier to do when running with someone, and it seems conversing while running is a good way to maintain a steady pace, if you can’t talk for shortness of breath, your running too fast!! A bit of sun and a few drizzly spells also helped, not like the scorcher of a run I did a few weeks ago that nearly melted me! Gladly Jason had his running watch to check distance and pace-otherwise I’d have had no idea, at one point I felt like I was going super fast-but no it was the lead-legs coming on towards the end that made an ‘easy’ pace not so easy!!
So in conclusion, a good weekend of running with no niggles so lets look onwards and upwards for the next challenge…16-18 next Sunday……and maybe being 1st again in the park run!??......

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