Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Check out the leg...

During the last park run I did, Matt was chief photographer and it wasn’t until we were looking at the photos a couple of days later that I noticed just how bad my lower limb biomechanics are :o(
Looking at this picture I’m sure you can see that my left leg (the ‘dodgy one’) is massively rotating inwards as I’m swinging the leg through, no-wonder I get injured so easily, my gluteal muscles are clearly crap! My left knee wants to kiss my right knee, and although I don’t have a picture of the same stance on the opposite side, I’m pretty sure the problem is not as severe, and I certainly haven’t had any symptoms to tell me otherwise!
So where did these problems all start?  That is the question. Could it be something that’s been building over the years of misuse or being very right-handed/footed? Or maybe a congenital problem? I know for a fact that my mum has hip dysplasia so could I have it too? and if I do would it present like this? On the other hand could it be due to my flat feet? So many questions and as a physiotherapist it’s always easy to assess others and give out professional opinion on diagnosis but there’s always the question of what came first the chicken or the egg!?  Did my thigh pain come as a result of flat feet, or did my flat feet come from dodgy hips and weak gluts!? Who knows and does it really matter? At the end of the day lets treat what we see (refer back to photo). Going back to one my first blog posts about my form (31st July2011), this picture shows a classic example of the twister-see how my arm is crossing over my body and my hip is twisting inwards (internally rotating). Ideally the toes on the left foot should be facing the floor, NOT the opposite ankle argh!!
So it seems after all my ‘form’ practice, its not quite there yet-I’ll keep working on it- lunges, squats, single leg dips, clams and continuing with the old ITB foam roller is much required and for much longer I’d say before its perfect….and maybe I really do need to think about a regular Pilates fix...or running barefoot to get the muscle we were made with working properly again!?
What I have learned from this is that no matter how you think you run, there’s nothing forgiving about a photo/video so get someone to snap you and you can start working on any issues you seems to have!
Good luck!  

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