With the last of the long runs out of the way I am now
officially on the taper and countdown to the big day! So I thought I’d look
into the whole carb-loading shenanigans (which I never followed before my last -
and only - other marathon as I ‘forgot’!!!).
I always thought that you should be starting carb-loading a
couple of weeks before the big race, but apparently not, according to the
official articles its only really required 2-3 days before to prevent heavy
legs and therefore a more sluggish run. In that case I should probably slow
down a little on the extra cakes and sweets I’ve been allowing myself!
In all honesty I’m more concerned about getting ill in this
last week. Sooooo I have gone out a bought LOTS of fruit and just consumed a
smoothie containing…pineapple, pear, kiwi, blackcurrants, redcurrants,
raspberries, strawberries, blackberry’s, lemon and ginger (and breathe), so if
that’s not gonna give me a vitamin C kick then nothing will! It’s like when you
go on a well deserved holiday having worked your arse off for months and then
catch a cold as you’ve let your guard down-well this is the same scenario, my
running has significantly reduced but that DOES NOT mean I’m letting you horrid
virus’s in (just no-one breathe on me over the next 6 days and I’ll be fine thanks)!
The other important thing is sleep. Now I’m not an 8 hours a
night kinda gal, more like 6-7 hours will do for me. I tried to get to bed
before 11pm every night last week….it failed every night. MUST TRY HARDER…maybe
a nightcap is in order?
Finally the BLOODY ENGLISH WEATHER! So up until the last 48
hours we’ve had admittedly ‘lower than average’ temperatures all spring. But
that’s fine when you’re running a marathon. Today it was 20 degrees in London
(sh*****t), sooooo I’m screwed if this heat wave doesn’t ‘do one’ over the next
6 days! A nice 5 degrees and sunshine OR a maximum of 10 but with some drizzle
would be ideal please Mr Weather Man!! Thank You!
My Wishlist for the next week:
More Sleep
Cooler weather
Super Immunity
Not being knocked off my bike on my way to work
No more niggles/injuries
A nice (but painful) sports massage
A stress free journey to London
To arrive at the start line in one piece and
confident that I can finish
Many people have been asking what I’m aiming to do it in.
I’ve stopped answering this question. I’ve been trying to get onto London
Marathon since 2006. I’m just happy to be running it, raising money for a
worthy cause and if I get a good time, all the better J
Here's the Link if anyone wants to sponsor me:
See you on the other side…
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