Monday, 28 November 2011

Back to the core...

So guess what, I’m injured again :o(
Just as it was all going so well, a good 1st marathon time and consistent park run PB’s, then BAM-PAIN!!! (typical as I’d also just joined ‘run Britain’ and obtained a Handicap and position in the national ladder so had more to work with!!)
This time instead of the usual left leg niggles in my hip, thigh or knee, it’s the right - coming out in sympathy maybe, or maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention to it when treating my left? Who knows, the body is a weird thing. And my left leg is now better than it’s been in a loooong while-so I’m pretty gutted really!
It all started following a great Harriers session 2 weeks ago, I’d had a pretty lazy weekend and felt a bit guilty as I’d missed a Sunday long run with my running buddy, so I decided to run to and from the Harriers as well as take part in the session which was 6x800m reps. It was a brilliant session and I improved during each 800m and got a few compliments from some of the coaches about how much I’d improved-ran home and was grand! A round trip of 13 miles, made up for the weekend!
Had a rest day the following day as I was working a late clinic, then on Wednesday thought I’d go for a ‘short fast’ run before heading out to meet some friends. Within the first 5 minutes I knew something wasn’t quite right, a slight niggle on the outside of my right knee, then I hit a downhill section only to experience an excruciating knife-like pain right under and lateral to my patella-I couldn’t continue and had to turn round and walk/hobble back (by which time I was 1.5 miles away).
This was BAD!!!
So that was 2 weeks ago today-I’ve done the usual self diagnosis and worked on a few things, also had a colleague who specializes in knees to have a quick look between patients, the diagnosis-Patello-femoral pain syndrome due to weak core (surprise surprise), tight hip flexors and a tight weak ITB-Grrrrr!!!
I did all the stretches, got going on the foam roller again and have done some core strengthening, taped it, iced it – you name it I did it, kept my CV fitness up with swimming (Yawwwwwn). Was all ready to go back to the Harriers today or so I thought before yesterday….so what did I do yesterday? Went for a 16 mile Hike in the Peaks…….serves me right??? Well interestingly all the huffing and puffing uphill was totally fine, it was the damn descent again that made my knee scream. So now I sit here again with an ice pack in situ, utterly fed up- am I going to make it for the Stockport 10mile in 2 weeks…..? Watch this space!