Sunday, 18 September 2011

Looooooooooong Run...

Hey peeps, sorry not blogged for a bit, been far too busy training J
So today on the plan was a 22 miler-the longest ‘til the big day, as you know I did 18 a couple of weeks ago, and also managed to sneak in a cheeky 20 with my devoted husband cycling along side me with jelly babies and water. So today was 22 with my running buddy Jason.  I’ve been working on that gammy leg by the way and ‘touch wood’ no new niggles. Got a new pair of trainers to break in before the big day-still shiny a white but I noticed today they are already wearing away on the inside-very irritating! Not sure if it’s a manufacturing fault or just my feet!!!

Due to a bit of apprehension of both Jason’s and my part we decided to strategically place his car en route with fuel at about 13 miles seeing as we had no bike-aid today!! We agreed on aiming at a pace of around 8:45, however as usual we ‘felt good’ so started out at 8:30…..and carried on at this pace until-well actually I though around mile 15-16 however looking at the Garmin data it looks like maybe we reduced our pace much earlier although it certainly didn’t feel like it. By this stage my legs were feeling it (probably something to do with the 5KPB I got yesterday during the hilly park run!!!). So we decided to slow a little aiming at our original plan of 8:45, which turned to 9ish then 10!!!!! Argh, the legs were ‘LEAD’. Then the niggle…..not my usual niggle though, oh no a whole new one L In my right knee this time, my right leg has NEVER moaned. We plodded on noticeably getting slower by the minute, then hit a few road crossings-note to self, DO NOT stop moving your legs while waiting for the green man! It’s like trying to move through treacle with a head wind uphill-not good!!
Note the decline in pace around 16 miles!!
Anyway we made it home, in one piece (just), we reached 22 miles about ½ mile from home so walked/hobbled the rest of the way, no thanks to Matt driving by beeping and waving-yeah thanks for the lift!!!