So after a pre run stretch and torture from the foam roller, equipped with sunnies, iPod shuffle, jelly babies and liquid off I went. In hindsight I should have realsied that it wasn’t the best time of day to go (about midday @ 25 degrees C), but somehow the sun fuels me, I think it must be all the Vitamin D it helps to produce!
So trying to change my style from and combination of ‘the twister, and the bouncer’ was hard work, I was tucking my bum under buy working my abs and pelvic floor, which made my pelvis feel less mobile (but apparently this is what it should be like) and I was trying to keep my arms from crossing the centre of my body. Straight away I felt awkward, my stride was smaller and I was feeling tension in my shoulders and upper back…..however, the leg was fine-RESULT!!!
Further reading informed me that it is a myth that long strides are more efficient as you spend more time travelling vertically than horizontally causing an overstride and the knees to collapse inwards-it all makes sense now!
So I managed my 8 miles without a grumble from the old thigh….and a bonus abs workout, its going to take some getting used to but fingers crossed this is going to work for me.
I think I might look into trying some Pilates classes to work on my core and muscle imbalances too, I may be a physio but I am PANTS at practicing what I preach, so a half years resolution-listen to myself!!!